Clinic Re-opens after the COVID-19 Lockdown.

Alderbank Physiotherapy clinic is now open and back doing what it does best…..seeing patients.

Face to Face consultations are now available.

However, COVID screening and individual patient risk assessment are still essential practice, in what will be the ‘new way of working’. Please be patient and understand that these are necessary  steps we must take to work in line with our regulatory bodies and Public Health England guidelines. Please also recognise that following your risk assessment, the therapist may still only proceed via a remote consultation (Video assessment and advice), if it is deemed to be too high a risk to bring you into the clinic for ‘Face to Face’ treatment.

Personal Protective Equipment will have to be worn for some time yet in order to reduce risk and keep everyone safe.

We would like to assure all clients that strict infection control measures are in place and will remain so in the future.

For now, the front door of the clinic will remain locked and only opened to allow clients in a few minutes before their allotted appointment time. More time is having to be allocated for each session in order to allow adequate sanitisation of the treatment areas in between patient contacts.

As you will appreciate the whole COVID lockdown has been a stressful and very costly experience for many small businesses. Due to the extremely high costs of implementing such a strict infection control policy and the need to purchase significant levels of PPE we have unfortunately had to raise our treatment tariffs, which we never like to do. However I trust all clients and visitors will understand the need to do so and appreciate the lengths we have gone to in order to ensure a safe working environment for patients, visitors and our staff.

We look forward to continuing to provide a high level of expertise and attention to all our clients going forward and just pray that together, with these measures in place,  we can all avoid a second lock down.

Best wishes,

Lee and Victoria Barker